Carter has been eating less lately, as he just gets bored a little ways through his meal I think. So tonight I decided that I would try to get him to eat more. He is in love with trains right now (choo choo trains), so I got his attention by making his fork into a choo choo train... he got all excited and started chugging along with me, doing his choo choo hand motions (kind of like the signal you did for semi trucks to honk when you were a kid). I then threw a wrench in our fun and told him to open wide because the choo choo had to go into the tunnel... he opened as wide as he could and took the bite with a smile! We proceeded this until his plate was just about cleaned off. I was surprised it lasted so long, but was thrilled that he ate all his dinner! He usually will clean his plate when he has something he absolutely loves, and occasionally will ask for seconds. For the most part, though, lately he has been eating the thing he likes the most (like the ham from the scalloped potatoes) and leaving the rest. He has also figured out the phrase "I don't like that" and uses it on quite a few vegetables (even though he likes just about all of them).
He has been saying soo many more words and phrases lately. He just spits stuff out like he's been saying it his whole life, and some of the things are so stinking cute! Matthew, him and I went outside one day and Matthew got ahead of us going downstairs and outside... Carter ran behind him going "Wait, Matthew! Wait! I'm comin' I'm comin'!!" Him and Matthew have been playing a lot together lately, too. I think Matthew enjoys that Carter is now able to play well and voice what he wants or thinks. They build towers together with blocks, and Carter talks about how good of a job Matthew is doing building, or how cool the tower looks. Carter definitely looks up to his big brother!
Matthew has been doing well, too. School seems to be going really well, and he has all A's. He's definitely one smart cookie! He had a C in science a couple weeks ago, but since then has gotten it up to an A. He has declared that he no longer likes reading, however I have a feeling he does because I "catch" him reading frequently. ;) He hasn't started his Christmas list yet, but I think it's on his list of things to do soon. He has, however, been helping around the house so he can earn some money. I think we will make a responsible young man out of him yet!!