Oh, my! It has been over a month since I have updated anything! The boys are certainly keeping us busy! Matthew has gobbs of homework each night (well, it just seems like gobbs because it takes him so long to do each assignment... ADHD at its finest!), on top of soccer practice and games. Thankfully, school is going well. He has an absolutely AMAZING teacher; she is patient and understanding of his ADHD, and goes out of her way to help him succeed. God knew exactly who Matthew needed (and I needed him to have to stay sane!) this year. It's still amazing to me, after all these years, how God's plan is so much better than ours (I had requested a couple of other teachers for Matthew). He is such a good kid, and an absolutely GREAT big brother! Someone at church told me that he said he was worried about Carter crying when we dropped him off before the service this last week, and he was totally relieved and happy to see that Carter was playing and having fun when they checked on him in the nursery.

Carter is becoming more and more independent each day, along with more and more ornery. He's just so stinking smart and funny that it's impossible to stay mad at him for more than a couple of seconds! He can count to 16, although he frequently skips 10. He also knows his basic colors (red, green, blue, yellow, orange, pink, purple, brown, black, white) and all of his letters (sometimes he forgets Q, or mixes it up with O). His vocabulary expands daily, and his words and sentences are becoming longer and clearer. Along with his new-found words, he has new adventures. His newest adventure is jumping off of things... like steps (the bottom step, of course), curbs, and he has that look in his eye like he's going to try to jump off of the couch. While I get super nervous any time he tries to do something dare-devilish, I also think to myself that there will be bigger, more dangerous things he tries out. He is definitely our dare-devil... that child does not seem to be afraid of anything! We went to Lakeside over Labor Day weekend, and we rented a golf cart. Carter was not impressed with the speed of said golf cart... or I guess I should say the sluggishness of the golf cart. However, he loved to ride around in it for as long as we would allow!

We went to Lakeside two years ago, as well, but Carter was a new born so he didn't get to do much. This time, though, he was able to enjoy everything. We watched very windy fireworks, but they didn't last long (we're pretty sure they were cut off short... the embers were falling right around where we were sitting rather than over the lake), played at the park, rode around on the golf cart, flew kites and just had a really fun, relaxing time. Matthew enjoyed this trip just as much as the last! He rode his bike EVERYWHERE, as there are not many cars (everyone walks, rides bikes or golf carts), and everyone is very conscious of bikers. He also got to sleep in a room with Grandma and Grandpa Boyd, which I think he was thrilled about. It was nice to see him have so much fun, but also behave so well. Shelly (my cousin) would come and pick him up in the morning and take him with her on her morning run (she would run, he would ride his bike). He absolutely loved that- they went about two miles each morning. He also got to go for a ride on a small sailboat! Both boys also loved having their Great Grandpa Boyd there, as they don't get to see him very often, but are both oh-so fond of him. :) I was happy to have him there, as well, because he was always there when my family went when I was a kid. I wish I had the whole family picture to post, but my camera wasn't used when it was taken. My immediate family (Mom, Dad, John, Liz, Austin, Alex), Grandpa Boyd, Aunt Cheryl, and Shelly and Mark were there with us. Our whole family definitely looks forward to going back as often as possible.

Since Labor Day weekend, we've mostly been busy with soccer, school, a few play dates (which Carter LOVES! And me too!), and just trying to stay sane in all the busyness.
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